Since its discovery, insulin has changed the lives of millions of people around the globe. For many, it is the therapy that keeps them, or someone they love, alive. For others, it improves the lives of their patients, or illustrates the reasons why research into treatments and cures is critical.
Throughout history and even today, insulin continues to have an indelible impact on our world. Discover 100 stories of how the discovery of insulin has affected people — and how it continues to drive change – in 100 Lives of Insulin.
100 Lives of Insulin was made possible thanks to generous support from Sanofi Canada.
The Discovery of Insulin
American-Canadian medical scientist and one of the co-discoverers of insulin.
Canadian biochemist who was part of the Toronto group which isolated insulin.
Scottish biochemist and physiologist who contributed to the discovery and isolation of insulin.
The first person in the world to receive insulin as a treatment for diabetes.
Discover the life of Dorothy Hodgkin, whose tireless work revealed the exact structure of insulin using X-ray crystallography.
A British molecular biologist who won the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1958 for determining the primary structure of insulin; the first protein to have its sequence determined.
Learn about the man who successfully demonstrated the efficacy of insulin before the Toronto team!
Frederick Banting’s only son.
The first American, and one of the first people in the world, treated with insulin for type 1 diabetes.
French pharmacist, hygienist and author of the first known textbook on diabetes.
One of the first patients to be treated with insulin by Banting and his team.
American Civil War veteran, inventor, chemist, philanthropist and founder of Eli Lilly & Co. - one of the first companies to provide a mass-produced insulin product for the treatment of diabetes.
Friend of Dr. Frederick Banting and the first human to receive experimental insulin as a potential treatment for diabetes.
The scientist behind the purification of insulin.
Discover the work of Dr. Charles Best’s final post-doctoral fellow.
Developed the field of obstetric diabetes.
His work formed the basis for our understanding of hunger and fasting in health, obesity and diabetes.
Current Researchers
Learn about Dr. Krishana Sankar, scientist and creator of the #150mins social media campaign.
One of Canada’s most recognized diabetes nurse researchers.
Patient advocate working to make life with Type 1 diabetes easier for those who live with it using technology.
Researcher working to reverse Type 2 diabetes.
Physician specializing in obesity treatment and management, and by extension type 2 diabetes.
Pharmacist, knowledge mobilizer and leader in diabetes education.
Surgeon who co-developed the Edmonton Protocol - islet cell transplantation.
Canadian endocrinologist known for his research into intestinal hormones and their use in the treatment of diabetes and other metabolic diseases.
A patient advocate and Indigenous Scholar living with Type 2 diabetes.
Professor, metabolism researcher, and a leading expert on nuclear receptors.
Understanding the intersectionality of the diabetes experience in Canada.
Discover endocrinologist Dr. Alice Cheng’s approach to understanding sexual health and diabetes.
Dr. Patricia Brubaker shares her experiences as both diabetes patient and researcher.
A a rising Indigenous diabetes researcher.
A passionate advocate for patients living with diabetes from underserved communities.
Researching how proteins interact with each other to understand what goes wrong in chronic metabolic diseases like obesity and diabetes.
Working to develop diabetes care systems directly within First Nations communities to create healthcare access locally for those who need it most.
Nephrologist, Chair of the Board of the Banting Research Foundation and Executive Director of Diabetes Action Canada.
Researching the autotaxin-LPA pathway and how the components involved may lead to obesity-related type 2 diabetes.
Investigating liver fat reduction as a means of treating diabetes.
Developed the process that led to the development of the OneTouch home testing kit.
World-renowned research scientist and endocrinologist.
Discover Bruce Perkins’ motivations for dedicating his career to finding solutions to help lessen the impact of diabetes-related complications.
Working to understand risk factors associated with Type 1 diabetes and how to reduce its burden in her province of Newfoundland and Labrador.
Pioneer of the first pancreatic islet cell transplant and co-developer of the Edmonton Protocol - the international standard of care for islet cell transplantation.
Dr. Mike Riddell is a leading expert on diabetes and exercise, living with type 1 diabetes.
Documented some of Canada’s first cases of type 2 diabetes in children in the late 1980s.
Endocrinologist, diabetes advocate and TV show host for the South Asian community.
Epidemiologist whose research on population health management and diabetes is revolutionizing prevention strategies, and improving health decision-making and intervention for populations at risk for type 2 diabetes and other chronic conditions.
Researches dysglycemia, or abnormal glucose levels, as a risk factor for cardiovascular disease.
Women in Science
Learn about Dr. Krishana Sankar, scientist and creator of the #150mins social media campaign.
Interdisciplinary researcher whose work revealed a key role of the immune system in diabetes.
A nurse and diabetes educator who has worked tirelessly to support diabetes patients facing housing insecurity.
One of Canada’s most recognized diabetes nurse researchers.
Patient advocate working to make life with Type 1 diabetes easier for those who live with it using technology.
Pharmacist, knowledge mobilizer and leader in diabetes education.
Nurse and founder of the Charles H. Best Diabetes Centre
Recipient of a Banting Research Foundation grant, which helped launch her distinguished research career exploring and expanding healthcare provided to retinoblastoma patients.
Professor, metabolism researcher, and a leading expert on nuclear receptors.
Discover endocrinologist Dr. Alice Cheng’s approach to understanding sexual health and diabetes.
Canadian scientist, professional hockey player and activist for type 1 diabetes care and education.
Dr. Patricia Brubaker shares her experiences as both diabetes patient and researcher.
A a rising Indigenous diabetes researcher.
A passionate advocate for patients living with diabetes from underserved communities.
Nephrologist, Chair of the Board of the Banting Research Foundation and Executive Director of Diabetes Action Canada.
Researching the autotaxin-LPA pathway and how the components involved may lead to obesity-related type 2 diabetes.
Working to understand risk factors associated with Type 1 diabetes and how to reduce its burden in her province of Newfoundland and Labrador.
Canada’s top doctor is also an ardent advocate for diabetes prevention and has worked tirelessly towards creating supportive environments that foster positive changes for people susceptible to diabetes.
Documented some of Canada’s first cases of type 2 diabetes in children in the late 1980s.
Epidemiologist whose research on population health management and diabetes is revolutionizing prevention strategies, and improving health decision-making and intervention for populations at risk for type 2 diabetes and other chronic conditions.
Get ready to be inspired by taekwondo champion and diabetes researcher Dr. Dessi Zaharieva.
Endocrinologist and former CEO of Diabetes Canada who developed the algorithm that determined how many people in Canada live with diabetes.
President and Science Director at the Gairdner Foundation whose early developmental biology research was supported by the Banting Research Foundation.
Uncovering how and why insulin resistance develops in type 2 diabetes.
Researching better health outcomes for pregnant people living with diabetes.
A digital health innovator who is revolutionizing the way we study, manage and care for diabetes.
A patient-oriented researcher living with type 1 diabetes.
Executive Director of Diabetes Canada and an advocate for better diabetes care.
Developed the field of obstetric diabetes.
An American medical physicist who received the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for the development of the radioimmunoassay for insulin in 1977.
Public Figures
Cory Conacher is on a mission to become a role model for aspiring athletes living with diabetes.
Canadian rower living with Type 1 diabetes.
NHL player and advocate for professional athletes living with diabetes.
Canadian actor, singer, and diabetes advocate.
The first Canadian living with diabetes to summit Mount Everest.
Award-winning Canadian country music superstar living with Type 1 diabetes.
A hockey legend living with type 1 diabetes.
Living With Diabetes
Cory Conacher is on a mission to become a role model for aspiring athletes living with diabetes.
Canadian rower living with Type 1 diabetes.
A patient advocate and Indigenous Scholar living with Type 2 diabetes.
NHL player and advocate for professional athletes living with diabetes.
Canadian actor, singer, and diabetes advocate.
The first Canadian living with diabetes to summit Mount Everest.
Award-winning Canadian country music superstar living with Type 1 diabetes.
A hockey legend living with type 1 diabetes.
Canadian activist for diabetes care and the Executive Director of Connected in Motion (CIM), a non-profit outdoor education program for people living with Type 1 diabetes.
Canadian scientist, professional hockey player and activist for type 1 diabetes care and education.
Dr. Patricia Brubaker shares her experiences as both diabetes patient and researcher.
The first American, and one of the first people in the world, treated with insulin for type 1 diabetes.
One of the first patients to be treated with insulin by Banting and his team.
Friend of Dr. Frederick Banting and the first human to receive experimental insulin as a potential treatment for diabetes.
Dr. Mike Riddell is a leading expert on diabetes and exercise, living with type 1 diabetes.
Get ready to be inspired by taekwondo champion and diabetes researcher Dr. Dessi Zaharieva.
A patient-oriented researcher living with type 1 diabetes.
The remarkable tale of the only known case of a Holocaust survivor living with type I diabetes.
Without the discovery of insulin in 1921, American physician and diabetic George Minot would likely not have lived to discover a treatment for pernicious anemia.
One woman’s mission to access insulin during World War II.
This couple brought insulin to people living with diabetes in Nordic countries and founded international pharmaceutical company Novo Nordisk.
The first person in the world to receive insulin as a treatment for diabetes.
More Profiles
Interdisciplinary researcher whose work revealed a key role of the immune system in diabetes.
A nurse and diabetes educator who has worked tirelessly to support diabetes patients facing housing insecurity.
Nurse and founder of the Charles H. Best Diabetes Centre
Led the United Kingdom Prospective Diabetes Study that for the first time showed that controlling blood sugar levels is key to preventing diabetes-related cardiovascular complications.
Recipient of a Banting Research Foundation grant, which helped launch her distinguished research career exploring and expanding healthcare provided to retinoblastoma patients.
A patient advocate and Indigenous Scholar living with Type 2 diabetes.
Canadian activist for diabetes care and the Executive Director of Connected in Motion (CIM), a non-profit outdoor education program for people living with Type 1 diabetes.
Frederick Banting’s only son.
Medical historian and author of The Discovery of Insulin.
Canadian scientist, professional hockey player and activist for type 1 diabetes care and education.
Former Canadian Senator and diabetes care advocate.
Director of the Banting & Best Diabetes Centre.
Philanthropist who has made major contributions to support healthcare research.
Canada’s top doctor is also an ardent advocate for diabetes prevention and has worked tirelessly towards creating supportive environments that foster positive changes for people susceptible to diabetes.
Son of Charles Best (co-discoverer of insulin) and past President of Laurentian University.
President and Science Director at the Gairdner Foundation whose early developmental biology research was supported by the Banting Research Foundation.
Canadian medical researcher known for inventing the world’s first anti-gravity suit.
Received support from the Banting Research Foundation during the early stage of his career. Went on to discover human prolactin and later created Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR).
Smithies worked at the Connaught Laboratories from 1953-1960 where he developed starch gel electrophoresis, a technique used to separate genetic variants of blood plasm proteins.
The Canadian clinician-scientist famous for transforming the Gairdner Foundation International Awards into “Canada’s Nobel Prizes”.
Learn more about the “Grand Old Man” of Canada.
Without the discovery of insulin in 1921, American physician and diabetic George Minot would likely not have lived to discover a treatment for pernicious anemia.
Canadian medical scientist, physician, painter, and Nobel laureate noted as the co-discoverer of insulin and its therapeutic potential.